Historic Mount Olive Cemetery

Wilmington, Delaware

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Veterans of every war through 1972, including the Civil War, are interred at Mount Olive.

American Legion Marker - N corner of cemetery
American Legion Marker


CIVIL WAR  *See individual entry for service notes

Alexander, Charles *

Anderson, Allen * U.S. Navy

Anderson, Jacob T * U.S. Navy

Green, Mathew

Douglas Battery

Pension 707556

Bantum, John * CPL- 4 USCT Inf Co. F

Brinkley, Robert H


Buried Mt. Hope, Boston

Brown, Joseph R

Brown, William H

1 USCI Co. C

Burton, P. H. * PVT - 22 USCT Inf Co. K

Bush, Almorine

USCT Art Inf Co. 14

Caldwell, Hezekiah D

6 USCT Co. F

Carney, Henry C

39 CI Co. H

Cathell, George

30 USCI Co. B

US Navy

Corsey, John C

25 USCI Co. I

Venie, William

Pvt., Co. D, 31st


Cropper, Scipio

7 USCT Co. I

DeShields, Isaac * PVT - 7 USCT Inf Co. I

Fisher, Isaac  *

3 USCT Inf Co G

Forman, David T

2 USCI Co. C

Furrow, William * 55th Inf. Mass 

Graves, Robert * CPL - 6 USCF Inf. Co E

Harding, Thomas H

41 USCI Co. H

Harris, Samuel * PVT - 9 USCT Inf Co. C

Henson, J.W. * US Navy

Hicks, James * PVT - 6 USCT Inf. Co. I

Hollis, Alexander *

CPL - 8 USCT Inf. Co. C

Jefferson, Enoch *  U.S. Navy

Hubert, James L * 1 SGT - 20 USCT Inf. Co. F

Leonard, Mitchell *

CPL - 9 USCT Inf Co. I

Loper, Henry * US Navy


Macey, John  USCT 8th

McKeon, Hugh  1 Co 14th CN

Ward, Jacob *

US Navy

Murray, David * PVT - 127 USCT Inf. F

Smith, Stephen * PVT - 8 USCT Inf Co. G

Segears, Joshua * Co. K

Watson, J. T.

24 USCT Inf Co. K (still being researched)

Smith, William A

43 U.S.C.I - Co. C

Sordon, Bayard G 25 USC Inf

Trusty, Josiah W


Underhill, Joseph *

31 USCT Co. B

Walker, John R

6 USCT Co. G

Hood, Simeon

U S Navy

Ricketts, George F

Private, Co. G, 19th U.S. Colored Infantry

Lewis, James

Civil War veteran - Co. K, 6th U.S. Colored Troops


Trusty, Jacob

USCT CN 29th

Hamilton, Daniel P


Collins George P (aka George P Phillips)


PV Co V 19 WSC Inf

Possibly two of the residents in Mount Olive Cemetery were present for Juneteenth ... The 29th United States Colored Infantry was an infantry regiment of United States Colored Troops from Illinois that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The unit transferred to Texas and was probably present in Galveston when Union General Gordon Granger announced emancipation on Juneteenth (19 June 1865). The regiment was mustered out in November 1865.

Cosden, Charles H

29 CN CN I

Co. G

Morris, William H *


29 Conn Inf Co. I

Brown, George W

117 Color’d Volunteers


Edwards, Henrietta d 22 Jul 1909 aged 64y Widow Abraham F Edwards

S 32 U S C Inf pension 684446


Garlic, William Edward

Porter, Wonnelia

Jackson, George W


Hutt, Clarence

Jenkins , Wesley

Gibbs, Thomas

Miller , Louis

Payne, Arnold F

Potts , Thomas

Williams, James

Stokes, Percy

Wright , Louis

Potts. Thomas H

Fisher, James

Hall, Lawrence

Harris, Henry

Harris, James Andrew

Primrose, Joseph Oscar

Wing, Charles

Hilton, William

Harris, William

Dickerson, Willie

Smith, Chalmers

Johnson, George

Devericks, Thomas

Gundy, Robert

Smith, Victor

Taylor, Lewis

Hutson, Joseph

Armstrong, Herman F

Palmer, Erick

Ashton, Frank Mayo

White, James M

Jones, Howard

Giles, Samuel

Ellegood, Benjamin

Gordon, Howard

Cork, Leon Hudson, DDS

Dexter, Willie

Dickerson, Willie E

Empson, Walter

Ashby, John

Johnson, George

Reynolds, S.W. 349 F.A -- musician

Gundy, Robert L

Rose, John

Williams, David

Baker, Samuel Lee

Hilton, William

Jackson, George W

Jenkins, Wesley

Laws, Walter E

Wallace, Clarence C

Lewis, John Frazier

Martin, Bradford H

White, Charles Henry

Miller, Lewis

Payne, Willliam Bruce

Harris, William

Wallace, John

Holland, Archibald

Hall, Billy

Williams, James

Lawson, Henry

Wright, Wiliam A

Powell, William

Rhodes, Alonzo

Wilson, Grason

Custus, Joseph

Truitt, Lenford

Taylor, Robert

Bailey, Charles

 Adams, John Davis

Gordon, Harrison

Murray, Walter

Tindall, Peter

Johnson, Georgie

Banks, Janifer

Munce, William

Gordon, Price

Ruffin, Thomas

Scribner, Thomas

Tunkins, Albert

Duckery, Ulysses

Ferebee, Percy

Wilkinson, Bernie

Frederick, John

Douglas, John H

Jefferson, William C

Brown, Howard – musician

Elliott, Dempsey

Purnell, Joseph

Sheridan, John

Harris, Edward B

Jones, Thomas T

Travis, William

Pritchett, Robert

Ewing, George H

Rhoades, Albert Warren

Robbins, Joseph


Johnson, Alfred

Scott, Thomas

Grant, John H

Green, Plumb

Dennis, Oliver

Snapp, Clyde W

Manuel, Ellis

Handy, Tolbert

Dandy, Charles

Boyd, Samuel James


Charles, Elmer

Toles, Theodore

Naudain, Perry

Marshall, William

Leonard, John Louis

Smith, James W

Henderson, Howard

Reid, John

Smith, Granville

Holmes, James

Russ, Elzy

Williams, Charles musician

Thomas, Junius Jr

Mitchell, Perry

Flick, Floyd

Larkin, James

Earle, George

Fisher, Augustus Milford

Gordon, Frank

Gordy, Elijah

Howard, Shirley U

Spearman, Henry

Loper, John Jr

Bailey, Reney

Jones, Horace L

Mitchell, Pedrick

Johnson, Alfred

Junious, Thomas

Wilson, Harry

Williams, Allen Moncure

Wilson, Golden Baker

Washington, Robert Henry

Lewis, John Thomas

Scott, Allen

Hopkins, William

Peebles, Andrew Robert



Bright, John Lt.





Chambers, Lee

Dorsey, Norman

Naylor, Herbert Collwell

Evans, Marron

Hasty, Leroy Jr

Brown, Edward

Clark, George

Dixon, Reese

Lewis, Johnson

Harrison, Charles

Scott, Roscoe

Webster, James

Davis, Robert

Barritt, George Jr

Peterson, Henri

Coleman, John H

Davis, George Henry Jr

Dorsey, Norman

Wright, Harry

Wells, Charles Leon

Jordan, Joseph

Ray, Samuel

Johnson, Fred A

Fullman, Paul

Small, John Emerson

Congo, Bernard

Roberts, William H (Jr.)

Brittingham, Norman

Baynard, Orville

Small, John Emerson

Green, Howard

Bantum, William

Warner, Walter

Smith, Lewis

Gillespie, Clifford

Washington, Frank

Jenkins, Edward

Murray, Daniel S

Butler, Timothy Webb

Price, William A

Priest, David

Corbin, Samuel Lee

(killed in action)

Cornish, Quinton

Corbin, Samuel Lee

Carter, Jesse Thomas

White, William Thomas

Waters, William

Brown, Joseph Thomas

Lewis, Lloyd Alfred

Green, Alfred Milton

Thomas, Roy

Jackson, William M




Comeger, Melvin

Robinson, James

Moss, Henry Jr

Blake, Norman

Coates, Robert

Miller, John Mark

Waters, Howard C

Case, Roland

Charles, Albert

















(Veteran DOD stone but dates and / or service not visible) Unidentified Veteran

Unknown Soldier
Hubert, Elwood; Jenkins, Edward; Reed, George; Chalmers
Stokes, Percy; Woodlin, John; Fields, Charles; Bright, John
Cooper, Ishmon; Mitchell, Pedrick; Best, Rudolph; Jefferson, Florence A
Brown, Elmer Alfred; Redding, Samuel
NOTE: these are based on DOD stones and/or a Veteran designation on a death certificate. Please send corrections if needed!


U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, History of Government Furnished Headstones and Markers. United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Web 10 Mar 2013

Before 1873, soldiers graves were generally marked with wooden markers. Congress authorized the use of granite or marble in 1873. The Office of the Quartermasters General handled veterans burials until 1973; when the Department of Veterans Affairs assumed responsibility. NOTE: The tombstone style will reflect the time of request and installation - not necessarily the time of service!
TIME PERIOD 1873 ff - Round top with Shield - Isaac DeShields
Union Civil War
Spanish-American War
Veterans who died before May 1925

May 1925 ff - Standard Upright - Cross - Marble or Granite (until 1947) Willie Dickerson
1937 - 1947 (marble or granite) Flat - Religious symbol - center top
1947 - 1973 (marble) - Flat - Religious symbol - center top Thomas Devericks
July 1942 - Nov 1945 - metal markers were not available due to WWII
1940 - 1973 (metal) - Flat - Plain edges - Religious symbol - center top
1973 - present (metal) - Flat - Beveled edges - Religious symbol - center bottom
1973 - present (marble) - Flat - >Religious symbol - center bottom
1994 to present (granite) - Standard upright