Mt. Olive Cemetery 


Toadvine, Clarence Henry

d 4 Nov 1890
aged 13y

St. Peters

P - Toadvine, James Parnell

P - Margaret

Toadvine, James P

D 12 Feb 1907 aged 52y

Mt. Olive


Tolbert, David

d 14 Jan 1893 aged 5m

St. Peters

P - Tolbert, Charles

P - Tolbert, Lavinia

Tolberry, Hannah

D 11 Jan 1852 aged 57yr

Early burial

Tolberry, Philip

D 29 Jun 1858 aged 80y

Early burial


Toles, Theodore Roosevelt

6 Mar 1892 - 9 Aug 1947


Mt. Olive 276104681

SP Fanny P Nalle SP - Bertha Macon

P Toles, Harry / Toles, Lillie


Todd, Addie E

d 23 Dec 1907 aged 45y

Mt. Olive

Todd, Almiara H

d 19 Nov 1891 aged 62y

St. Peters

P - Davis

Todd, Ann

d 28 Jul 1892 aged 70y

St. Peters

Todd, Catherine

D 16 Sep 1905 aged 57y

Mt. Olive

Todd, Eliza T

26 Sep 1835 - 8 Apr 1863 aged 27y 6mo 12 d

Eliza Todd

N39 45'.481 W075 35'.880


footstone E T T

identified by reference to 1939 list

St. Peters

Todd, Elwood

D 29 Oct 1848 aged 2y

Early burial

Todd, Frances C

D 7 Mar 1857 aged 7yr

Early burial

Todd, Laura Jane

20 Aug 1866 - 11 Dec 1933

Mt. Olive

P - Todd, Alfred

P - Thomas, Martha Jane

Todd, Nettie M

d 29 Apr 1900 aged 18m

St. Peters

P - Todd, James

P - Mary

Todd, Rachel

d 31 Oct 1885 aged 84y

Old Union

P - Gooding, Benjaming

Todd, Susan R

D 29 Jul 1854 aged 22 1/2y

Early burial

Todd, William

d 4 Oct 1885 aged 44y

St. Peters

P - Todd, James

Todd, William

d 4 Aug 1931 aged 72y

Mt. Olive

Todd, William H

D 16 Feb 1857 aged 6mo

Early burial


Todham, Chas

d 2 Oct 1897 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Alexanna Todham


Toliver, Bessie Pryor

14 Aug 1883 - 17 Feb 1974

Mt. Olive

SP - George Toliver

Toliver, Charles Henry

1850 - 1955 (1 Jan 1850 - 9 Jul 1955)

Charles Tolliver


N39 45.404 W075 35.840

Mt. Olive

SP - Luvenia Nelson

P - Toliver, Charles Henry

P - Cheek, Elizabeth

NOTE: Born Alabama, additional records suggest 1859 as birthdate.

Toliver, Charles H

9 Nov 1909 - 28 Feb 1948

Charles Tolliver

N39 45.396 W075 35.857

Mt. Olive

P - George B Toliver

P - Bessie Pryor

Toliver, Charles S

10 Jun 1914 - 27 Mar 1957

Mt. Olive

Toliver, Christine Frances

d-11 Mar 1904 aged 15d

St Peters

P - Charles

P - Luvenia Toliver

Tolliver, Dora

d 3 Jan 1910 aged 56y

Mt. Olive

SP Alexander Tolliver

Toliver, George R

1 Jul 1884 - 8 Sep 1931

George Toliver

N39 45'.424 W075 35'.858

Mt. Olive

SP - Tolliver, Bessie Pryor

P - Tolliver, Charles

P - Luvenia

Tolliver, Leonora

30 Dec 1912 - 4 Nov 1925

Mt. Olive

P - Geo B Tolliver

P - Bessie Pryor

Toliver, Lucy M

20 May 1887 - 7 May 1954

Lucy Tolliver

N39 45.404 W075 35.840

Mt. Olive

P - Charles H Toliver

P - Luvenia Nelson

Tolliver, Luvenia

25 Jun 1861 - 2 Mar 1927

Luvenia Tolliver


N39 45.404 W075 35.840

Mt. Olive

SP - Charles H Toliver

P - David Nelson

P - Lucy

Tolliver, Margaret

10 Apr 1914 - 12 Jun 1915

Mt. Olive

P - John Tolliver

P - Bessie Good

Toliver, Mary Emma

d- 6 Feb 1895 age 9mo

St. Peters

P - Chas Toliver

P - L

Tolliver, Sara

d 8 Aug 1931 aged 38y

Mt. Olive

P - Tolliver, Alex

P - Sarah

Toliver (m)

d 13 Nov 1899 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Charles Toliver

P - Venia

Toliver, (m)

d 6 Nov 1897 aged 2d

St. Peters

P - Charles H Toliver

P - Levinia

HUTSON-Tolliver plot

Hutson - Tolliver plot

N39 45.404 W075 35.840

Mt. Olive


Toulson, Annie

16 Nov 1899 24 Jan 1970

Mt. Olive

SP Walter Tolson

Toulson, Sarah

d 3 May 1924 aged 62y

Mt. Olive

Tolston, Shirley Ann

1 Aug 1953 - 16 Apr 1954

Mt. Olive

P - Tolston, Clarence

P - Jackson, Ruby

Tolson, Walter

27 Apr 1897 - 8 Jul 1970

Mt. Olive

SP - Tolson, Annie

P Annie

(same as below?)

Toulson, Walter

1897 - 1970 (25 Apr 1896 - 1970)

Toulson marker

N37.7576 W-75.5970

Mt. Olive

SP - Neylon, Lillie


Tomlinson, Bertha

D 9 Apr 1887 aged 1y

St. Peters

P - Peter

P - Mary

Tomlinson, Lydia

d 30 Sep 1886 aged 50y

St. Peters

P - Benjamin

P - Bell, Sarah


Touey, Anna M

D 10 Mar 1865 aged 11yrs

Early burial

Toney, Anna Maria

D 2 Dec 1849 aged 18y

Early burial

Toney, Anna Maria

d 30 Aug 1902 aged 61y

St. Peters

Toney, Eliza

D 15 Aug 1849 aged 10m

Early burial

Toney, George H

D 28 Jul 1855 aged 10mo

Early burial

Toney, Herbert

d 24 Oct 1884 aged 10 3/4y

St. Peters

P - Toney, Wm

P - Toney, Emily

Toney, Joseph

D 4 Mar 1887 aged 40y

St. Peters

P - William

P - Elizabeth

Toney, Matthew

D 5 Jul 1882 aged 52y


P - William

P - Elizabeth

Toney, William

Old Union Identified 1996; re-interred at Mount Pisgah, Summit Bridge

Toney (m)

d 26 Jan 1890 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Toney, Laura


Toomer, James

2 Mar 1913 - 16 Apr 1958

Mt. Olive

P - Toomer, Henry

P - Kollock, Josephne



Topsil, George

1 Mar 1840 - 18 Apr 1917

Mt. Olive

P - Topsil, James

P - Reed, Hannah

SP - Georgianna

Topsil, Georgiana

d 20 Mar 1908 aged 45y

Mt. Olive

SP - George


Toppins, Henry

4 Jul 1881 - 15 Jul 1930

aged 47y

Mt. Olive

Poor Transit

Stone 574


Torbit, Caroline

d 21 Jan 1884 aged 30y

St. Peters


Torrence, Gloria Jean

22 Dec 1956 - 20 Apr 1958

Mt. Olive

P - Torrence, Albert

P - Ward, Barbara

Torrence (m)

d 17 Nov 1954 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - Torrence, Enman

P - Pritchett, Pauline


Towles (m)

d 11 Jun 1917 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P - R W Towles

P - Hattie


Townsend, Avesena

d 9 Mar 1894 aged 34y

St. Peters

P Wm / Elezzy

Townsend, Edner S

d 7 Aug 1891 aged 3m

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend / Lunna Jenkins

Townsend, Elijah

d 22 Feb 1891 aged 71 yrs

(death certificate says 68y)

Elijah Townsend

N39 45'.483 W075 35'.880



St. Peters

SP - Townsend, Rebecca

Dear father, it is hard to part with one so fair as thou. I feel as if my aching heart can find no comfort now.

The Evening Journal (Wilmington DE) 15 Mar 1890 pg 3. Elijah Townsend, colored, told an amusing story of the way things were going on in the house next door. He said that one day he counted twenty-five men and women going into the house. When Mr. Turner asked him whether he would consider the place a nuisance he said he would just tell what he knew, and the court could draw its own conclusions. Elijah is 75 years old, been a preacher for 37 years and yet has never seen such disgraceful scenes.


Delaware Gazette and State Journal (Wilmington DE) 26 Feb 1891. Death in the pulpit. Elijah Townsend, a Negro Preacher, drops dead in the A.U.M.P. pulpit.At the church service Sunday night at the A.U.M.P. Mission, Greeley Street, the preacher Elijah Townsend, has just finished his sermon and was taking his seat, when he appeared to drop with unusual celerity into the chair. One of the deacons was at his side immediately when it was discovered that the preacher was dying. In a few moments more he was dead. The tragic incident created the utmost consternation among the congregation, and it was quite a time before the more demonstrative females could be pacified. Officer Updike was successful in calming the agitated people.

Elijah Townsend was an itinerant preacher who effected a great deal of good in the locality where his ministrations were held. He was 68 years old. The old man who was a rag-picker by trade, was well-known around the city and so was his raw-boned mule and old wagon. He lived at the read of No 4 Decatur Street. A wife and five children survive him. He was born at Frederica , Del. on the farm of Samuel Warren of this place. He came to this city 20 years ago.

Coroner Sparks did not consider it necessary to hold an inquest. The whole congregation were witnesses of the death. The coroner s certificate was in accordance with the facts; which indicate death from heart disease.


The Morning News (Wilmington, DE) 23 Feb 1891. Dead in his pulpit. Tragic death of Elijah Townsend, an aged Negro Preacher.

He had just finished his sermon last night when he was stricken with heart disease and expired before assistance reached him. Elijah Townsend, an old itinerant negro preacher, dropped dead in the A.U.M.P. Mission on Greeley Street last evening, having just finished a sermon. He preached from the thirtieth chapter of Proverbs, and closing the Bible, placed a hand over the region of his heart, reeled and fell into his chair immediately back of the pulpit.

Before aid reached his side life was fast ebbing away and in scarcely a minute s time he was dead. Consternation spread among the colored congregation and two of the elders rushed to the dying mans side. He did not utter a word after he had fallen. Just before the fatal moment, however, he spoke of the gates leading to the city of the Holy Land, and ended his sermon by saying that when the day of judgement came they must all Hail! Hail! Hail! . He had just uttered the last Hail! when his lips closed upon the words, and these were the last he spoke.

The church of which the preacher was pastor is situated in one of the roughest parts of the city known as the Hoodle . Greeley Street, on which the building fronts, is scarcely more than an alley running up from the railroad tracks. On either side is a row of colored house and for twenty years the deceased had lived in the neighborhood and preached at the mission. His home was in a rear of No. 9 Decatur Street.

Preacher Townsend was 70 years of age. He was born at Frederica, and for a long term of years was the slave of Samuel Warren of that place. After he was freed from the bonds of slavery he became converted and for forty years had been a minister of the gospel. He came to Wilmington about twenty years ago, and since that time had been a terror to the colored characters in the neighborhood. He kept a close watch upon all wrongdoers. He aided the police materially during his score of years in the Hoodle and the result is that neighborhood is of very little trouble to the authorities.

The deceased leaves a wife and five children. The former stood in the church in company with a number of persons last evening eulogizing the good qualities of the paster. We re dare n touch him or move him , she said, until the coroner sees him

Officer Updyke was summoned from his beat and was one of the first to quiet the agitated congregation. They decided to leave the body in the church and keep guard over it until morning. Several physicians had been summoned but none had yet arrived to learnt he cause of death up to a late hour. It is thought the cause of death was heart disease. The coroner will be notified this morning.



Townsend, Elizabeth

d 27 Jun 1890 aged 3y

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend / Luvenia

Townsend, Elsie

12 Dec 1889 - 19 Apr 1954

Mt. Olive 234189163

SP - Walter Townsend

P - George W Thomas / Francis A Thomas

Townsend, Emmanuel

d 9 Dec 1917 aged 0d

Mt. Olive

P Emanuiel / Mildred Oliver

Townsend, Eva

d 4 Apr 1890 aged 1y 3m

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend / Luvenia Townsend

Townsend, Ezekial

d 2 May 1890 aged 1m

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend / Luvenia Townsend

Townsend, Florence

17 Sep 1890 - 28 Jun 1937

Mt. Olive

SP - Harvey Townsend

P - James Hopkins / Frances Morugh

Townsend, Harry

d 23 Aug 1893 aged 2m


Townsend, Harvey D

D 30 Apr 1925 aged 58y

Mt. Olive 156199461

Townsend, Harvey

d 14 Nov 1886 aged 16m

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend

Townsend, Homer

d 28 Aug 1892 aged 2w

St. Peters

P - Ezekial Townsend / Luvenia Townsend

Townsend, Ida

D 22 Feb 1920 aged 18y

Mt. Olive

Townsend, Isabella

d 26 Dec 1918 aged 54y

Mt. Olive

Townsend, James

d 24 Feb 1883 aged 1w


P James / Annie

Towsend, Jenny

d 7 Jul 1883 aged 5m

St. Peters

Townsend, John

D 21 Apr 1926 aged 60y

Mt. Olive

P - Robert Bayard / Sarah Townsend

Townsend, Leonard Oliver

d 21 Sep 1917 aged 10m

Mt. Olive

P Emmanuel / Mary Oliver

Townsend, Mabel

15 Jun 1914 31 Jan 1973

Mt. Olive 255843349

P William Anderson / Edna Mae Elliott

SP Roger Townsend

Townsend, Marie

15 May 1883 - 18 Dec 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Peter Harris / Marie

Townsend, Mary Viola

d 18 Feb 1898 aged 5m

St. Peters

P - Minnie

Towson, McKinley

11 Mar 1898 - 5 Oct 1929

Mt. Olive

P - Towson, Wm H / Toulson, Elizabeth

Townsend, Roger

2 Jan 1902 - 25 Jul 1959

Mt. Olive

P - Thomas Townsend / Mary

Townsend, Walter Colton

12 Dec 1887 -20 Jun  1944

Walter Townsend

N39 45.390 W075 35.889

Mt. Olive 234188723

P - John Wesley Townsend / Anna Brown

SP Elsie R Thomas

Townsend, Williard

D 29 Jul 1892 aged 6y

St. Peters

P Fred / Mary E

Townsend, William

d 4 Jul 1898 aged 4m

St. Peters

P John / Annie

Townsend, William H

7 Sep 1882 - 30 Nov 1949

Mt. Olive

SP - Lulua Townsend

P - William Townsend / Anna E Cooper

Townsend (f)

d 1 Sep 1892 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Elgin Townsend / Sarah E B Lowns

Townsend (m)

d 3 Sep 1894 aged 0d

St. Peters

P - Annie Townsend


Tompkins, Henrietta T

30 Mar 1882 - 23 Aug 1946

Mt. Olive

Tompkins, Elijah

P - Tompkins, Richard

P - Lindsey, Rose


 Tobias, James

D 22 Sep 1859 aged 25y

Early burial

Tobias, Leroy

D 20 Jun 1892 aged 8/12y

St. Peters

P James / Annie

 Tobias, Nancy

D 13 Nov 1858 aged 70y

Early burial

 Tobias, Rebecca

D 13 Feb 1859 aged 21y

Ealy burial



Mt. Olive Cemetery

Wilmington, Delaware