Mt. Olive Cemetery



Infant, female

D 10 Jan 1863 aged 0d

Found dead on French St

, Samuel

1914 - 1970

Mt. Olive




this is a beautiful and unusual stone

N39° 45'.396 W075° 35'.886

5 Mar 1872 - 29 Nov 1882

St. Peters

Mary Ann
N39° 45.481 W075° 35'.886

Mary Ann

d 12 Jul 1876 aged 19y

St. Peters

p - Stephen and Maria ..i...

Mary Ann

This unusual stone has a 1/2 inch coat of rippled plaster applied over the stone

There is no evidence of carving or marks in the plaster

The back of the stone has ripples in the plaster coating, almost as if the stone was dipped and laid to dry.

Plaster coated

This stone appears to have had carvings or pictures attached to the face.

Smooth worn

a Masonic Brother

only the Masonic emblem is legible on this stone



Mt. Olive

N39° 45'.452 W075° 35'.825

Beloved Wife

Beloved Wife
N39° 45.402 W075° 35'.841

AUMP church

This stone is against NE fence line.

1939 - Sarah Cooper had this on her stone,

but her stone is apparently in the correct physical location

AUMP Church

various carvings, including roses and vines,

appear on this monument base

unfinished carving

although this stone is heavily eroded, the size and shape

suggests a DOD headstone

possible DOD

T-base stone

t-shaped stone
N39° 45.483 W075° 35'.890

This stone is probably a pre-1939 stone.

N39° 45'.440 W075° 35'.825


D 27 Jul 1855 aged 25yr

Early burial



Mt. Olive Cemetery

Wilmington, Delaware