Mt. Olive Cemetery



Knight, Emma Loat

14 Jan 1899 - 4 Aug 1930

Mt. Olive

P - Loat, Matthew

P - Hannah

Knight, Esther E

3 Mar 1903 - 23 Nov 1947

Mt. Olive

P - Ayers, Andrew

P - Reed, Mary

Knight, Mabel

15 Oct 1892 - 27 Jan 1958

Mt. Olive


Knotts, Alexander

D 16 Dec 1928 aged 55y

Mt. Olive

Transit Grave stone 392 B

P - Knotts, Alex

P - Henrietta

Knotts, Henrietta Stevens

Dec 1838 - 16 Jul 1914


Mt. Olive

SP - Knotts, Alexander

P - Stevens, Edward

P - Stevens, Maria

Knotts, James

d 28 Dec 1896 aged 1y

St. Peters

P - Grove, Alfred

P - Knotts, Ida Bell

Knotts, Mary

D 24 Apr 1929 aged 48y

Mt. Olive

P - Knotts, Alex

P - Henrietta


Knox, Benjamin

d 16 Sep 1876 aged 66yrs

Benjamin Knox

N39 45'.458 W075 35'.853

St. Peters

He was a kind friend, a faithful servant to his employers and to the Lord Jesus Christ in whom was his hope and trust. Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when he cometh shall take with Him.

Knoxon, Elizabeth

D 14 Aug 1855 aged 14yr

Early burial

Knoxon, Frances

D 5 Aug 1851 aged 15yr

Early burial

Knoxon, Frances

D 15 Aug 1852 aged 15y

Early burial

Knoxson, Sarah

D 15 Aug 1858 aged 38y

Early burial


Knowling (f)

D 8 Nov 1924

Mt. Olive

P - George Knowling

P - Annie Dorce


Knuckles, Laura

31 Aug 1876 - 20 Feb 1953

Mt. Olive

SP - Knuckles, Rufus

P - Busby, Aaron

P - Laney





Mt. Olive Cemetery 

Wilmington, Delaware